Ribaat Certification FAQs

Ribaat Certification FAQs

by Ribaat Registration -
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Q: How do I register for the certification programs with Ribaat?

A: Step 1: Before committing to the full certification program, we advise new students to start with one or two courses as a trial.

Step 2: Email advising@rabata.org to meet with an advisor.

Step 3: Visit register.rabata.org to register in the orientation course: To enroll in the Ribaat Teacher Certification, enroll in CRT 101. To enroll in the Ribaat Scholar Certification, enroll in CRT 301. These two courses will provide an explanation of the certification and the registration process. We advise that students begin with The Ribaat Teacher Certification program since the first two levels are much the same.

Step 4: Start your courses! Students can enroll in the required courses at their own pace, starting from Level 1, and may choose which order to enroll in them. Level 1 should be completed before moving on to Level 2 and so on. As students complete courses, their progress will be tracked and they will be contacted with more certification details.

Step 5: Attend the termly certification cohort class which is held once in each of the Fall & Spring terms. Keep an eye on your inbox for the announcement on the class date & time.

Step 6: Contact your advisor each term to ensure you are on the right track and receive advice on course load and sequence.


Q: Approximately how long does it take to complete the certifications?

​A: The Ribaat curriculum is not designed as a program by year but rather by level, and students can take as long as they need to work through the courses. Students can enroll in 1 course per term or up to 5, depending on their own schedule and timeline. We advise new students to start with one or two courses in their first term, until they know their own pace. 

For full time students (enrolled in 5 courses per term), the Ribaat Teacher Certification will take approximately 4 years, and the Ribaat Scholar Certification will take approximately 8 years.​ Most students will likely need more time, completing 2 or 3 courses per term. Once enrolled, students can set an individualized study plan with an advisor.


Q: Is it possible to receive the Ribaat certifications with part-time study?

A: Yes. The Ribaat curriculum has been designed to be flexible to student needs and timelines. You need not finish the certifications within a set time limit. 


Q: Can I enroll in both certification programs?

A: Yes. Credits earned for the Teacher Certification will also be counted towards the Scholar certification. Students can complete one certification program and then start the other, or enroll in both simultaneously. However, we advise that students begin with the Ribaat Teacher Certification program since the first two levels are much the same.

Q: Is it allowed to take higher level courses before finishing level 1?

A: It is not required to take the courses in order. However, to achieve the utmost benefit, we suggest completing the levels in order, as Level 1 and 2 courses will provide a solid foundation upon which to build subsequent knowledge in the higher levels. Prerequisites are also listed for each course, and it is required to complete all prerequisites before advancing.


Q: I have already taken some classes previously with Rabata. Now that I want to pursue a certification, will those count towards the certification?

​A: Yes, courses you have passed previously will be counted.​


Q: Is there a maximum amount of classes that one can take per semester? Based upon previous student experiences, what has seen to be a manageable class amount?

A: There is no maximum number of courses per semester, although it is not advisable to enroll in more than three at once unless you intend to study full-time. We advise first-time students to enroll in one or two courses, until they can adequately assess how many they will be able to take on at once.


Q: Are there services that help students create a "game plan" to succeed in classes?

A: Yes, students should meet with an adviser to set a plan of study. To arrange an appoint, email advising@rabata.org.


Q: Is it possible to transfer credits from outside Arabic sources towards the Arabic requirement?

​A: You may complete an Arabic placement test to ascertain that you have reached the required level of Arabic to earn the certification. However, we highly suggest you ensure the program you choose is geared towards liturgical Arabic and will help you access sacred texts in formal Arabic in addition to speaking and listening skills.​ 

To access the placement test, visit register.rabata.org.


Q: Is financial aid available?

​A: Yes, scholarships are available for students who cannot cover the registration fees. A student may apply for up to two scholarships per term.​ Course completion of previous courses will be taken into consideration upon application.


Q: If I already know tajwid, can I waive this part of the requirements?

A: Yes. All students starting in the Tajwid Program must complete an assessment with one of our tajwid instructors. Based on the result, you will receive a recommendation on the best course for your level inshallah.

To arrange an appointment, email tajwid.assess@rabata.org. The Tajwid team will be in touch with you as soon as possible inshallah.


Q: I have studied/am planning to study fiqh on another madhhab. Will that cover the requirement for fiqh?

A: Ribaat focuses on Shafi'i fiqh and it is a requirement to complete the Ribaat certifications. You may also, of course, study fiqh on other madhhabs and inshallah this will only increase your knowledge and ability to help others.


Q: Are Ribaat certifications accredited in my state?

A: Accreditation options are currently under review. 


Click here for certification requirements:

Ribaat Teacher Certification

Ribaat Scholar Certification


 For inquiries, contact: registration@rabata.org

Updated Feb. 15, 2024